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List of sites using Aardvark Topsites PHP


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Aardvark Topsites PHP is a popular open-source topsites script written in PHP. A topsites script is a type of software that allows users to create and maintain a topsites list, which is a ranking of websites based on the number of hits or votes they receive. The Aardvark Topsites PHP script is specifically designed to be easy to use and customize, making it a popular choice for webmasters who want to create their own topsites list.

One of the key features of Aardvark Topsites PHP is its user-friendly interface. The script includes a web-based control panel that allows webmasters to easily add, edit, and delete websites from the topsites list. The control panel also includes options for setting up banner advertisements and tracking website traffic, making it a useful tool for webmasters looking to monetize their topsites list.

In addition to its user-friendly interface, Aardvark Topsites PHP is also highly customizable. The script includes a variety of templates and styles that can be easily modified to match the look and feel of a website. It also includes a range of options for customizing the ranking algorithm and the way in which websites are displayed on the topsites list.

Another key feature of Aardvark Topsites PHP is its security. The script includes a range of security measures to protect against spam and other forms of abuse, ensuring that the topsites list remains accurate and reliable. It also includes an option for password-protecting the control panel, allowing webmasters to restrict access to authorized users.

Overall, Aardvark Topsites PHP is a powerful and user-friendly topsites script that is well-suited for webmasters looking to create and maintain their own topsites list. With its user-friendly interface, customizable templates and styles, and strong security measures, it is a popular choice among webmasters seeking a reliable and easy-to-use topsites script.

Fauna Top Sites - http://www.faunatopsites.com/
PPN TOP 50 - https://www.ppntop50.com/
Limso Topsites - https://topsites.limso.net/
Gunny Approved - http://www.gunnyapproved.com/
USA Weather Finder - https://usaweatherfinder.com/
Multiplayer Online Games MPOG 100 - http://www.mpog100.com/
Top 50 MMORPG - http://top50.onrpg.com/
TOP100-SOLAR - http://www.top100-solar.it/
Malaysian Topsites - http://www.topmalaysia.org/
Top Game Sites 100 List - https://www.topgamesites.org/
The Sports 100 - https://www.thesports100.com/
The Best Top Satellite Sites + https://www.topsat.org/
IFB Topsites - https://ifbtopsites.com/
BloggRegistret - http://www.bloggregistret.se/
Top Lista Sajtova - http://www.toplista.autentik.net/
War Relics TOP sites - https://www.warrelics.eu/top/
Top Ukulele Sites - https://topukulelesites.com/
Toplist Radio - http://www.toplist-radio.de/
Pokemon France - https://www.pokemon-france.com/services/topsites/
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